How to clean jewelry and wedding rings

How to clean jewelry and wedding rings

Guide for polishing jewelry and wedding rings

Today we will talk about a topic that is often asked of us by our customers, that is, the question we are often asked is "How can I polish my jewelry?" or "How can I polish my faith?".

Well, in this guide we will try to help you in cleaning objects in gold, silver or steel that you are fond of, or perhaps a jewel that you thought you had lost and that you found in some jewelry drawer with some signs of time.

Professional jewelry cleaning

Let's start immediately by saying that no home-do-it-yourself remedy will ever give the jewel the light and original splendor, as the tools and machinery available from jewelers or goldsmiths' workshops are created to hoc to restore even those objects that are in critical condition to their original state!

At the disposal of the goldsmith workshops there are brushing machines, with brushes and polishing paste that remove surface scratches and immediately make rings, necklaces or any jewel shine.

Or, if this is not enough, for example for white gold, it is necessary to carry out a new rhodium plating and plating, which return the jewel to us in perfect condition, almost as if it had never been worn!

DIY jewelry cleaning

But let's get to the “grandmother's remedies” applicable to the cleaning of our precious goods; an immediate and easy to implement remedy that we recommend to our customers is to use a toothbrush and simple soap: start with a warm water rinse of the object, apply the soap on the toothbrush, and rub the jewel without applying much pressure; for example for rings and wedding bands it is advisable to clean the inside as well, for necklaces and bracelets to clean also in the spaces of the links; finally, always rinse thoroughly with warm water and dry with a soft cloth. We strongly advise against commercial products that perhaps promise to help in cleaning jewelry or silver, but we have often seen cases in which the situation of precious items has even worsened!

When to polish your jewels?

Do-it-yourself cleaning, you can do it whenever you want, whenever the jewel requires it; while for professional polishing generally every 2 years should be sufficient, except for intense use or accidental dirt.

Furthermore, one last piece of advice we want to give you, is not to put precious items in gold, silver or any other material in contact with cosmetic products, in particular perfumes or creams, as they can make opacification irreparably damage some more delicate jewels, such as jewels with pearls.

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